About 100,000 diffente chemical substances are registered in the EU. In recent years there has been a strong call on EU to develop standards for micropollutants in wastewater. Discharged wastewater
Methoxy Isobutyl Pyrazine

…if you add an acid to ammonia, ammonia turns into ammonium ions that do not smell. Unfortunately, the smell returns after a while. …it takes 150,000 mg of ethane per
Odor at a molecular level

…the finer-grained a substance is, the larger the surface area and the more odor is absorbed by the substance …charged atoms and molecules (ions) do not reach the nose? …about
Different kind of smokes

…that it is more difficult to define the smell of a fire today than hundred years ago. Back then it smelled almost exclusively of burning wood and textiles. Today, odors
Att känna igen lukt

…att människan lätt kan känna en lukt, men inte lika lätt känna igen lukten. …att människans näsa är bättre än tekniska instrument att känna igen lukter, men att tekniska instrument
The Heathrow fire

The fire is believed to have caused the biggest chaos that the international airport
A new source of energy

Purify the kitchen exhaust air and recycle tens of thousands of euros every year!
Causes of kitchen fires

According to the experiences of an insurance company, all property losses for